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Zero Cost Marketing Strategy: Media Attention
By Ronnie Nijmeh comment 2 Comments access_time 2 min read

Yesterday I told you about some of my EXPENSIVE failures.

It really struck a chord with my readers. Thanks for your emails and comments on my blog!

Today, I want to tell you about one of my Top 2 ZERO COST marketing successes. These are little techniques I’ve put to the test over the years that have cost me ZILCH but brought in the dough.

Here’s #1:


Yup, good ol’ fashioned media helped me establish a name for myself and branded me as the go-to expert.

I’ve been on national television, radio, and print, and each time, I saw a spike in traffic. It was awesome.

But you know what’s even BIGGER than that short term spike? 

The PERPETUAL credibility boost of being able to say that you’ve been “featured on national TV.”

You become the REAL DEAL.

People tend to trust people who’ve been interviewed on talk shows and the news. It’s a real trust factor.

So when prospects see the recordings of my media appearances months and years later… it STILL brings me that instant trust, respect, and credibility. 

That’s the beauty of ZERO COST marketing, baby.

Those short media segments live on forever on my about page, on my sales letters, and so on. You can’t beat that – and you can’t buy it. 

If you tried to buy this kind of exposure via paid traditional advertising, it’d cost tens of thousands of dollars – or more.

I got it free. Cool, huh?

So how’d I do this?

Well, I created my OWN buzz. I branded myself as an expert, posted lots of valuable content on my site, and positioned myself as an excellent interview candidate with my own “media” section on my site.

That’s it. Really.

Nothing special. Just a bit of strategic work.

But that was enough to be found by the executive producers and called in for live interviews.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about my other ZERO COST marketing strategy… this’ll SHOCK you.

To your success,

Ronnie Nijmeh

P.S. I know that appearing on TV isn’t for everyone… but you can also get media attention via bloggers, email interviews, and so on… WITHOUT speaking live in front of a mic and camera.

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