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Top 3 Marketing Failures
By Ronnie Nijmeh comment 14 Comments access_time 2 min read

Most people don’t hear about my failures…

Yup, I’ve failed. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on so-called “marketing” that BOMBED.

Here are a few shining examples…

The $11,000 Website:

Back in 2005, I spent $11,000 to have a dinky little website created from the ground up. Yes, 11-freakin-thousand. That was deadly stupid.

It was supposed to take 3 weeks, it ended up taking 3 months and it was absolutely disgusting. The site never really got any traction and I had to dump it soon after.

Count your blessings that WordPress and almost all themes and plugins are free – and amazingly easy to use.

The Dud Mailing List:

In 2006, I rented a physical mailing list and sent out 2,000 postcards for one of my non-IM businesses. Total cost was around $3,000 for the cost of the list, printing, and mailing. It was awful.

The company I bought the list from was selling old addresses and it resulted in zero sales. I couldn’t get a refund and I was burnt. Hard.

The Big Backlash:

In 2010, I hired a big named guru consultant (the guilty will remain nameless!) to use his “proven” marketing technique… Paid him a $2,000 advance.

Turns out his “proven” formula ain’t so proven. It caused a HUGE backlash with my customers and I had to back-peddle immediately. Bad news.

Why am I telling you this?

Because every good business owner goes through these poopy times. Schtuff happens.

I’m telling you this because these were MAJOR learning lessons. Lessons that I learned the hard way so you don’t have to.

But with all of these expensive failures, there have been some amazing ZERO COST successes.

Tomorrow, I’ll share some of my amazing ZERO COST marketing stories with you.

To your success,

Ronnie Nijmeh

P.S. What are some of your expensive failures? Chime in below…

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