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Free Webinar Template Download: 12 Ingredients to a $245,540.74 Webinar
By Ronnie Nijmeh comment 0 Comments access_time 49 min read


This is a huge 6,400+ word post about running a successful coaching webinar.

Want the summary? We put together a free 14-page “fill-in-the-blank” webinar template.

It’s the same template that we use in-house and has generated $245,540.74 and counting. Click here to download it, absolutely free…[/BOX]

[DROPCAPS text=’If you’re a coach, and you haven’t yet done a webinar, you’re missing a MASSIVE leverage point in your business.’ textsize=’60’]

Today, I’m going to share the exact webinar script and template that is responsible for over $245,540.74 in sales…

…and we’ll break it down into 12 key ingredients with plenty of examples for you to follow.

My goal by the end of this post is to have you 100% convinced that you CAN (and should) do webinars, even if you’re so terrified that you just vomited in your mouth a little. 🙂

To help you build confidence, you’ll get my internal webinar template that has generated $245,540.74 in sales from webinars alone…

…and in this post I’m going to deconstruct this template and how you can create your very own high-converting webinar.

[IMG fullwidth=’1′ img=’’ align=’left’]

Table of Contents

Giddy up, this is gonna be a fun ride…


Sales Letters vs Webinars

There is no better way to engage and interact with dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people than through webinars. And there’s no better way to convert people en masse.

Compare webinars to a simple sales page…

Sales pages typically convert at around 2-3%.

But what about webinars?

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Webinars can have conversions of 10%+!’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

Of course, conversion rates depend on many factors… but just being able to interact with your audience live is a massive conversion booster.

You probably already know that webinars are an amazing marketing and engagement tool….

But if you’re like most people, webinars scare the poop out of you. 

How do I know this?

I recently surveyed a few hundred coaches about their experience with webinars and the results are rather shocking…

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ alt=’Epic Post Ultimate Webinar Guide Graphics’]

That means that 4 out of 5 coaches are not using one of the most powerful marketing tools on the planet.

That should ring the opportunity bells for you.

That means you can get ahead of your competition by using this exciting medium.

But there’s a problem.

In the same survey, we asked why they don’t do webinars.

The results are not-so-surprising…

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’The #1 reason why coaches don’t do webinars?’ padding-right=’32%’ padding-left=’10%’ width=’68’]


  • Fear of speaking in front a live audience.
  • Fear of the technology and setup.
  • Fear of creating a webinar presentation.

I get it.

Webinars can be intimidating!

In a future article, I’ll talk about how to overcome the fear of technology and speaking to a crowd…

But for today, I’m going to address the other big fear: creating your first webinar.

If you’re like most people, creating a webinar from scratch is daunting.

Today, I’m going to cover some of these common questions about webinars:

  • How do you keep the audience’s attention until the end?
  • How do you establish your credibility with your story without causing people to tune out?
  • How do you identify with your audience so they immediately know, like, and trust you?
  • How do you transition from the content to the pitch without feeling icky or awkward?
  • How do you overcome objections from attendees?
  • How do you pitch your offer without sounding hypey?
  • What should you offer as a guarantee?
  • What price points work well on webinars?

Imagine you no longer have to worry about stumbling to create a presentation from scratch…

What would that do for your coaching business?

Well there’s no better way to overcome these usual fears about webinars than to use an easy-to-follow template.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’How a simple fill-in-the-blank webinar template has generated $245,540.74 in sales.’ padding-right=’7%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’70’]

Over the past several years, I’ve tested different webinar conversion strategies.

Some techniques worked like crazy…. while others failed miserably.

And the only way to find out what works and what fails? Run live tests. Plenty of them.

So after doing dozens of webinars, I figured out the ultimate webinar blueprint and created an internal template that we use for all presentations.

In the past few years, this webinar template has accounted for over $245,540.74 in sales… and that’s just from doing webinars.

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’]

I’m going to break down my top converting webinar template into 12 key ingredients. You’ll see EXACTLY what should go into a webinar, step-by-step.

Plus… you’ll get this tested and proven webinar script so you can simply fill-in-the-blanks.


Just fill-in-the-blanks and you’ll have a FINISHED webinar script.

Download this free fill-in-the-blank webinar template

(Get the full webinar template…)
[BOX]Want to skip the line and just get the Ultimate Fill-in-the-Blank Webinar Template that has generated over $245,540.74 in sales?

Click here to download it – absolutely free.[/BOX]

Alright, ready?

Here is the breakdown of the ultimate coaching webinar structure…

[CHAPTER id=’1′ title=’Ingredient #1:’ subtitle=’Title and Introduction’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

The first part of your webinar is all about drawing people in. You want to hook their attention quickly and never let it go.

You want to help people immediately see that this is going to be a seriously valuable session.

You start by promising a proven solution to a really frustrating problem.

Your mission is to show your attendees how to overcome the problem that has haunted them for a long time.

Below is a snippet from the free webinar template. On the left, you’ll see the “fill-in-the-blank” version. On the right, you’ll find a sample “filled-in” version.
[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ alt=’ingredient 1′ caption='(Want the full webinar template? Click here…)’]

The goal here is to spark people’s attention.


By saying your solution is both counterintuitive and different from what they’re expecting.

The way we do this is by using the word “without”.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’This seven letter word is the ultimate secret to getting to the real objections and barriers to the sale…’ padding-right=’32%’ padding-left=’10%’ width=’68’]

Here is an example of this little word in action…

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]

Say you’re selling a weight loss program. Everyone knows that the secret to weight loss is diet and exercise. No surprises there.

But, instead, what if you said:

“I’ll show you how I lost 5 pounds in 5 days, without dieting and without becoming a gym rat.”

Now your audience is naturally wondering… “Hmmm… how?”

That’s what will keep them hooked. Then you just need to back it up as you go through your webinar.[/BOX]

Okay, so now that we’ve hooked them in, the next step is to entice the audience to stick around until the end.

One great way to do this is to offer a freebie if they stick around until the end.

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’1′ align=’center’ caption=’Boost your webinar retention by giving away an enticing freebie.’]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]Example:

“I really appreciate you joining me here today! As a little ‘thank you’… I want to give you my cheat sheet: “6 Top Secret Negotiation Tactics to Get the Raise You Deserve”.

This cheat sheet will completely change how you approach your boss when asking for a raise and it has a typical success rate of 80%.

If you want a copy, please stick around until the very end and I’ll tell you how you can get your very own copy.

Also, please don’t worry about taking extensive notes. At the end of today’s workshop, I’ll show you how to get a copy of the slides and notes. Deal?”[/BOX]

Remember, it’s all about grabbing their interest in this opening section.

You’re positioning yourself as their perfect painkiller. You’re about to reveal the ultimate solution they’ve been desperately searching for.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

People are busy and have extremely short attention spans. You need to immediately grab their attention and keep it through the duration of the webinar. [/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’2′ title=’Ingredient #2:’ subtitle=’Audience Empathy & List Pain Points’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Now it’s time to show your audience that you understand their pain.

After all… if you want to convince your audience to buy something, you first have to identify with them.

The best way to do this is through a few “Does this sound like you?” qualifying questions.

Here’s an example of some questions from the free webinar template

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’  alt=’ingredient 2′ align=’center’ caption='(This is just a snippet of the full webinar template? Get the full template here…)’]

The “Does this sound like you?” questions must resonate with your audience.

Each question can address a different goal, pain, objection, fear, or problem.

The goal is to have the audience say: “Yes! She understands what I’m struggling with!”

I know it’s tempting to dismiss this section or remove it completely… but don’t do it!

This short, but important section builds trust at a subconscious level.

What you’re doing is pinpointing the key triggers that are holding your audience back.

If you remove these questions from your webinar, you lose the power of identifying with your audience at a deeper level…


[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’If you get these questions wrong you may alienate your audience completely.’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

Here’s an example of a qualifying question gone wrong…

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]


Let’s go back to the weight loss market again.

There are several reasons why someone might want to lose weight.

Let’s say a married mom of two wants to get fit so she can have more energy for her family.

Well, if you say:

“Do you want that ultimate six-pack and beach body so all the hot guys on the beach buy you drinks?”

Umm… nope. That’s not going to work on a married mom of two.

She doesn’t care about having a “six pack” or “beach body”.

That kind of talk might repulse her and she might think “this webinar isn’t for me, I’ll hang up now.”[/BOX]

So you need to first understand your audience… then craft questions that most people will identify with.

The mission here is to qualify your audience.

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’2′ align=’center’ caption=’Each “Does this sound like you?” questions should resonate with your audience.’]

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

You want your audience to deeply resonate with you. You do this by showing them that you understand exactly what they’ve gone through.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’3′ title=’Ingredient #3:’ subtitle=’Highlight The Real Problem’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Now is when you BLOW their minds!

You’re going to show them that their REAL problem is not what they think.

They’ve been trying to overcome their problem one way. But it’s not working. They’re stuck.

The goal here is to help them see that there is another, BETTER way that can help them overcome their problem. And it’s something they hadn’t thought of before.

This is the first “A-HA!” moment.

The breakthrough.

A lightbulb will go off in their heads.

Here’s a snippet of how to do this from the free webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’ingredient 3′ align=’center’ caption='(This is just a teaser sample. Click here to get the full template…)’]

This is where we want to take the audience off guard.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’Your audience may think they know what is holding them back… but they are usually wrong. :-)’ padding-right=’30%’ padding-left=’5%’ width=’70’]

Let’s go through three different examples of how you can highlight the real problem…

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]
Example #1:

“I’m not losing weight because I’m not eating well or exercising.”

But that’s not the real problem.  You can eat well and exercise daily, but if you don’t fix the real problem, you’ll never shed the pounds.

The real problem?

Metabolic Matching.

You need to consume the right foods that match your unique metabolic rate…

(Note: I just made that up. But it sure piques your interest, doesn’t it? You’d continue to explain the real problem from here…)[/BOX]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]
Example #2:

“I’m not getting a raise because there’s no room in the budget.”

But that’s not the real problem. Others in the company are getting raises. So why not you? Until you fix the real problem, your work will always go unnoticed.

The real problem?

You’re lacking the Champion Factor.

(Then briefly continue to explain what that means…)[/BOX]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]
Example #3:

“I just can’t get through to my husband. He doesn’t appreciate anything I do.”

But that’s not the real problem. You can keep doing the same thing and you will still go unnoticed.

I mean…banging a screw with a hammer won’t work. You can bang harder, but it still won’t work. You need to use a different tool.

So if it’s not about trying harder… what’s the real problem?

The real problem?

You’re using the wrong Love Language.[/BOX]

Do you see how this works?

Here’s a super simple breakdown…

  • Step 1: Express the problem the audience thinks they have.
  • Step 2: Refute that problem and explain why. (“That’s not the real problem…”)
  • Step 3: Explain the real problem and give it a catchy title.

When you use this technique, your audience will be hanging on your every word.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

Now that you’ve connected with your audience, you need to prove that you have the REAL solution. You want them to feel like – after all the struggle – you can help.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’4′ title=’Ingredient #4:’ subtitle=’Your Personal Introduction’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Now it’s time to show your audience that you’re well-qualified to solve their problem.

You’re going to talk about what you’ve done and what you’re good at.

Written a book? Now’s the time to mention it. Appeared on television or radio? Make sure that comes out.

Here’s an example from our free webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’ingredient 4′ caption='(Want the full webinar template? Click here…)’]

Think of this as the diploma hanging on the wall of your office. It’s your chance to show off a little bit.

This isn’t bragging or obnoxious boasting. You’re simply saying, “This is who I am, and this is why I can help you.

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’3′  align=’center’ caption=’It is your time to shine! Briefly highlight your experiences, certifications, and credentials.’]

But… what if you don’t have any media coverage?

You can still talk about your experience and back story.

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]Examples:

  • “Creator of The Champion Factor: a training program for working women”
  • “Spoken at the University of Virginia and high schools across the city”
  • “Published over 100 articles about women in the workplace”
  • “Certified iPEC Coach”
  • “Member of the International Coaching Federation”
  • “Coached people who work at IBM, Google, Microsoft”
  • “Worked in the corporate world for over 20 years, so I know the ins and outs of corporate culture”[/BOX]

You don’t need media exposure to back you up. You can boost your credibility by selling yourself in many other ways.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

You need to establish yourself as the go-to expert. Borrow credibility from associations you belong to or any businesses you’ve worked with.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’5′ title=’Ingredient #5:’ subtitle=’Your Story’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Why should your audience trust you?

Because you were once in their shoes. Perhaps you’ve gone through the same struggles or you were close to someone who did.

This section is where you bare your soul.

You’re going to let them in to see just how far you’ve come… and how far they, too, can go when they follow you.

You can tell them about your personal struggle and how that struggle affected your life.

How you hit rock bottom and how that sent you on a journey toward a better way.

This story leads toward the big “A-HA!” moment, where you discovered the ultimate solution.

Here’s a sample from the free webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ caption='(Get the full fill-in-the-blank webinar template…)’]

Not sure what to tell in your story?

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Create your own “hero’s journey”…’ padding-right=’20%’ padding-left=’38%’ width=’68’]

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’heros journey wikipedia’ align=’right’ margin=’-100′ width=’300′ caption=’Image courtesy of Wikipedia‘]

The “Hero’s Journey” shares how you reached rock bottom…

…fought your way to the top, then discovered something remarkable along the way.

The goal of this story is to resonate with your audience.

You want your audience to ‘see’ themselves in your story and have hope that you can serve as their guide.

Ideally, your audience is thinking: “If she can overcome her problem, maybe she can help me too!”

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

Your story allows you to demonstrate that you were once stuck, just like your audience. However, unlike your audience, you discovered the solution.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’6′ title=’Ingredient #6:’ subtitle=’Core Content’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Now you’ll get into the “teaching” part of the webinar.

But before you dive into the content, you need to have a smooth transition from your story to your main content.

In telling your story, you’ve hinted at your solution. Now it’s time to help your audience understand why your solution is so great.

The best way to do this is to repeat the big benefit of your solution again.

Here’s how this transition looks inside the free fill-in-the-blank webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=”ingredient 6″ align=’center’ caption='(This a teeny tiny snippet. Get the full webinar template here…)’]

Here’s what we’re doing in this transition…

In the previous section, you tell your story. During this transition, you tell your audience why your story is important to them.

And this is where you relate your story to the big benefit.

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]Example #1:

“Here’s why this is important… using my proven strategy, hundreds of people have doubled their net worth in less than 6 months.”

I want to help you transform your wealth starting today, and it all starts with your assets.

So now let’s go over the 3 Pillars to Asset Protection…”[/BOX]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]Example #2:

“Here’s why this is important… I’ve helped thousands of people negotiate higher salaries using this Champion Factor.

I want to help you get that big project or promotion in the next 3 months, and it all starts with your elevator pitch.

So now let’s go over the 5 Keys to a Killer Elevator Pitch…”[/BOX]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]Example #3:

“Here’s why this is important… using this simple Metabolic Matching technique, my clients typically lose 5-7 pounds in the first week without extreme dieting or exercise.

I want to help you lose those stubborn extra pounds starting today, and it all starts with identifying your ‘metabolic type.’

So now let’s go over the 7 Metabolic Types for Optimal Weight Loss…”[/BOX]

Do you see how you can easily transition from your story to your core content?

This transition smoothly leads into your core content. Just briefly speak about the 3 pillars, or 5 keys, or whatever you decide to call the core content.

Briefly is the key word here.
[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Be careful not to overwhelm your audience with too much content.’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

I’ve made this mistake countless times… don’t do it!

I (stupidly) believed that stuffing a TON of content into one webinar would make people realize just how “smart” I was.


‘Smart’ doesn’t sell.

You know what happens when you give someone too much information?

They may love you for it…

…you may even get lots of compliments!

But your audience will feel very overwhelmed.

And overwhelmed people do not make decisions until they’ve processed all the information… which means you’ll kill conversions.

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’]

So please… hold back from being too smart.

Keep your webinar super-focused on just 2 or 3 “A-HA!” moments. That’s it. Less is more.

The bottom line?

The goal of your content is to help your audience envision their success. You want them to believe in themselves and believe in you as the go-to expert.

And ultimately…

You want them to become a paying client.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

Transition into your core content, but be careful not to overwhelm. The core content should establish your expertise and paint a picture of success for your audience.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’7′ title=’Ingredient #7:’ subtitle=’Overcome Objections’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Objections are common and a completely normal part of doing business. After all, there are many sleazy businesses out there so it’s natural to be skeptical, right?

So instead of shying away from objections and pretending like they don’t exist…

…you need to embrace them!

When you proactively address your audience’s concerns, you’re proving that you understand their needs. This subconsciously boosts their confidence in your ability to help.

But the bottom line?

Handling objections boosts your conversion rate because it eliminates any barriers to the sale.

So how do you do this?

Here’s an example from the free webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ caption='(Want the fill-in-the-blank webinar template? Of course you do, click here…)’]

Speak directly about their objections and use the same language they would use to describe it.

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#333′]Here’s a list of a few common objections:

  • Will this work for me?
  • Why should I take action? I’m okay with the way things work right now.
  • Why do I need you? I can get the same results on my own.
  • Why should I trust you? Do you have the experience?
  • This sounds too hard.
  • I’m too busy.
  • When will I get the promised results? How much time will it take per week?
  • I don’t have the money.
  • How do I know you’ll help me and not just take my money and run?[/BOX]

Those are just a few common objections that I’ve seen come up time and again. Go through your client emails and comments, I’m sure you’ll find other common objections.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

Everyone in your audience has some level of suspicion. They’ve tried solutions before without success. By speaking to their objections, you reassure them that your solution is the real deal.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’8′ title=’Ingredient #8:’ subtitle=’Introduce Your Product’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Now it’s time to unveil your awesome solution and give it a snazzy name.

For example…

“Introducing the Champion Factor System…”


“Introducing the Ultimate Success Blueprint…”


“Introducing the Metabolic Mastery Program…”

You need a catchy name! I mean, what sounds better:

“All-Purpose Towel”


“Sham Wow!”

See how much more exciting a product sounds when you give it a buzz worthy title?

So at this point in your webinar presentation, you need to show off your offer and talk about the key benefits.

Let’s take a look at an example from this free webinar template):

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ caption='(Click here for the the full webinar template.)’]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]Important Tips:

  1. Create a catchy name for your product and each component or module. This makes it sound unique and exclusive.
  2. Show a “hero” image of your product. This is an at-a-glance view of your offer. It could be a logo or a collage of everything they get (videos, workbooks, audio training, etc)
  3. Demo the members area and download page. People want to “see” what they get. This allows you to set their expectations and give a glimpse of all the awesome stuff they’re missing.
  4. Demo the ordering process. Show your audience how to go through the checkout. It will ease any fears and lost conversion due to confusion.


[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

This is the grand reveal. It’s your chance to show how your solution will solve your audience’s problems.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’9′ title=’Ingredient #9:’ subtitle=’Price & Personal Guarantee’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

After mentoring thousands of coaches, the #1 question I hear time and again is about pricing.

So I’m going to go into a ton of depth here because this transition is super important to close the sale.

In this part of your webinar, you need to show your audience the true value of your solution.

In other words, you’re going to show them how much it should cost.

“Normally I charge at least $500 per hour for my time.”


“Most programs like this cost at least $6,000.”


“Personally, I’ve spent over $7,000 for programs just like this.”

Then, once you’ve got them thinking your solution will cost an arm and a leg…

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’Drop the value bomb!’ padding-right=’30%’ padding-left=’18%’ width=’68’]

This is where you reveal the special, limited time price.

Here’s an example from the free fill-in-the-blank template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ caption='(Download the fill-in-the-blank webinar template here…)’]

What you need to do here is make an irresistible offer. But it all starts with setting up an “anchor”.

Price Anchoring

Here’s a simple example of price anchoring in action…

  • Place two similar products beside each other. One is $195 and the other is $500. The lower priced product seems like a steal, right?
  • Now place a $27 product next to a similar $195 product. This time $195 seems expensive, right?

In one case $195 was a steal. And in another, $195 is pricey.

You see retail stores using these price anchoring techniques on price tags all the time…
[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ alt=’Price Anchoring’ caption-size=’16’ caption-align=’center’  caption-color=’#2e2e2e’ caption=’

MSRP: $99.00

Regular Price: $29.99

Discounted Price: $15


Wow, a $99 shirt for just $15? Score!

Sure seems like an irresistible offer, doesn’t it? That’s why you need to carefully craft your offer with a compelling price anchor.

Let’s go over another price anchoring example…

Three Tier Pricing Strategies

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’right’ margin=’-100′]

Here are three pricing options for the same software product:

What option would you prefer?

  • $27/mo
  • $97/yr
  • $197/lifetime

Let’s do the math…

$27/mo = $324/yr

So at that rate, it clearly doesn’t make sense to pay monthly when the yearly rate is just $97.

For just another $100, you get access for life with no future payments.

So why bother having a monthly option at all?

Well, that $27/mo is an anchor. It gets people to spend more money by opting for the annual or lifetime account.

As you may have guessed, the “lifetime” option was – by far – the most popular option.

That’s how you can anchor your offer so your product seems like a massive deal.

But before we continue…

If you’re like most people, you may be confused about how to price your product. So let’s briefly discuss optimal pricing strategies.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’What is the best price point on a webinar?’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

After running successful online businesses for over a decade, I’ve found that the ideal webinar price point is $197 – 497.

Anything lower than $197 and it’s tough to make paid advertising or joint ventures work.

Anything higher than that and it’s a tougher sell, especially if you’re just starting out.

Of course, higher ticket isn’t impossible. I’ve successfully sold $1,997 offers via webinars without having to talk on the phone.

But as the price goes up, your conversion rate typically goes down.  (But not always!)

Higher ticket products often need a stronger nurture sequence to close the deal (i.e. follow up Q&A webinars, emails, phone calls, etc.) .

Some of my colleagues sell $5,000, $15,000 and higher ticket offers via webinars. But in those cases, the webinar doesn’t pitch the offer directly.

Instead, the webinar pitches an application form which leads to a free phone consultation. Then the sale is closed on the phone.

This is obviously more advanced, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind as you increase your rates.

Okay so, why is $197 – $497 the optimal webinar price point?

Let’s do some simple math:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’  alt=”Price Anchoring in Action 2″]

So what’s easier to sell?

2-5 people…


…or 20 people?

Obviously it’s much easier to get just a couple people to buy… and that’s why $197 – $497 is the sweet spot. 🙂

Okay, so now that you’ve set your price, you need to justify it.

Here’s how…

Price Breakdowns and Comparisons

One of the best ways to help people grasp the value of your product is to compare the price to something they’d immediately understand.

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]Example:

Let’s say your product is $497/yr. Let’s break it down…

$1.36/day = $497.

$1.36/day doesn’t sound like all that much, does it?

That’s less than the price of a Starbucks coffee!

(See… I just did two pricing comparisons: $1.36/day and the price of a coffee!)[/BOX]

You can do comparisons in different ways, but the point here is to justify your price by putting it in terms they’ll understand and appreciate.

Now that we’ve justified the price, the next step is to offer a rock solid guarantee.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’Guarantee: The Ultimate Risk Reversal’ padding-right=’32%’ padding-left=’10%’ width=’68’]

There’s no better way to remove risk and move toward the sale than a solid guarantee.

You can offer a standard 30-day guarantee… 365-day guarantee…

Or you could get creative:

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]200% Guarantee Example:
“You’re covered by our 200% guarantee. Do the work and document your progress. If you don’t achieve the results we promise, I’ll give you double your money back.”[/BOX]

Of course the key is that they need to document their progress and send you what they’ve done so you can verify it before offering the refund.

Here are a couple more examples of guarantees:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ caption-align=’left’ caption=’This is a slide from one of my presentations for We even include our “return rate” stats in full transparency. This helps prospective buyers to feel confident that our products work.’]
[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ align=’center’ caption-align=’left’ caption=’Bryan Harris offers an incredibly unique refund policy! They require you to ask for a refund if you do not get the promised 100 subscribers within 7 days. Of course, there is fine print in the terms of service. Before getting a refund, you need to actually do the work and show proof that you made an honest attempt. That’s fair, right?’]

Okay so we’ve set the price, set an anchor, justified the price, and explained our awesome guarantee.

The next step?


[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Testimonials and Proof’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

You want your audience to “see” themselves as one of your clients. And when they see that you’ve helped other people like them, they’ll feel like they belong in your tribe.  

Ideally, your testimonials should be from different cultural backgrounds, genders, and walks of life.

Let me put it plainly…

If your main clientele are African American women, then they’ll feel alienated if all of your testimonials are white men.

Sounds obvious… and it is. 🙂

So make sure your testimonials come from different people.

Here’s an example of a few of our testimonials so you can see how you can format them:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ alt=’plrme testimonials’]

If you don’t have any testimonials yet, ask your colleagues, clients, or friends for a review.

Now let’s sum it up…

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

You need to convince your audience that this is an amazing deal through price anchoring and justification. You need to ease their fears with an unbelievable guarantee. And you need to convince them that you have helped others, just like them.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’10’ title=’Ingredient #10:’ subtitle=’Bonuses’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

This is the, “But wait, there’s more!” section of your webinar.

The mission is to make your offer truly irresistible with relevant bonuses.

You’re saying, “In addition to the already amazing thing you’re getting… you’re also getting…”

Here’s a teaser from this free webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ caption='(Want the free webinar template? Click here…)’]

You want your audience to feel like there’s so much value that they would be silly for not getting in on it.

The bonus stacking can get out of hand, so please…
[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’Do NOT overwhelm your audience with irrelevant bonuses.’ padding-right=’30%’ padding-left=’5%’ width=’68’]

Bonuses should fit into one of these three categories…

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]Three Categories of Bonuses:

  1. Extend your product. If you’re selling a course, then a bonus could be a video or audio version, Q&A session, private Facebook group, etc. Say you’re selling a nutrition-based weight loss program, you could offer a bonus “7 minute workout” exercise video.
  2. Save time. For example, it could be software or a spreadsheet that simplifies something that is typically complex.
  3. Done-for-you. If you’re selling a weight loss program, you could offer a personalized nutrition plan. The idea here is to do the thinking for them.[/BOX]

That’s really the extent of the types of bonuses I recommend.

Don’t go down rabbit holes just to “stack” the bonuses. If it becomes irrelevant, you’ll lose credibility and overwhelm your audience.

Webinar Deadlines and Urgency

You want your audience to feel like they need to take immediate action to get this deal right now. That means you should also include some urgency and scarcity elements.

No deadline? No urgency.

No urgency? You’re wasting your time and hard work.

And not just any deadline…

You need an authentic deadline for your offer and any accompanying bonuses.

I’ve found that 3-5 days from the webinar date works best.

So if my webinar is on a Thursday. I’ll make the deadline on Sunday at 11:59pm PT.

Please, please, please, don’t dismiss this!

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Every webinar must have an authentic deadline.’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

Every. Single. One.

I’ve tried running promotions without deadlines. Bad idea.

Promotions without a deadline always gets 100-200% less sales than with a deadline.

So… why do deadlines work?

Deadlines creates urgency. Urgency leads to a decision.

Your audience will see the deadline approach and they’ll have to decide: “I’m in…” or “I’m out.”

And that’s why the final 24 hours of a deadline typically sees a sales bump of 2-3x.

For example, we’ve run promotions where only 6 people purchased in the 72 hours after a webinar. Then in the final 24 hours, an additional 18 people bought right up to the wire.

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’]

That’s a 3x increase in sales, just because of the deadline.

So don’t mess around. You need an authentic deadline. Don’t forget it.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Bonus Scarcity’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

You may want to limit the number of people who get access to certain bonuses.

For example, if you’re offering private coaching or a done-for-you service, there’s a real cost of time or money. So you might limit that bonus to the next 10 people.

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]

Scarcity “Script” Example:

“I will personally create your custom-tailored nutrition plan, based on your needs. It typically takes me over 5 hours to prepare and write your personalized nutrition plan.

And so, as I’m sure you understand, I simply can’t offer this bonus to everyone. It’s just too time intensive.

But if you do want a personalized plan created just for you, you must be one of the next 10 people to invest in the Metabolic Mastery Program.”[/BOX]

The goal is to make your audience feel a sense of scarcity.

If they want that extra bonus, they need to act fast.

They can still buy the product, but unless they’re one of the next 10 people, they won’t get the super cool bonus.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

Stacking a few relevant bonuses is a great way to increase the incredible value of your offer. It reinforces the idea that your audience simply cannot miss out on this. Ensure you include an authentic deadline and scarcity elements.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’11’ title=’Ingredient #11:’ subtitle=’Recap’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Now you’re going to recap your offer, bonuses, guarantee, and deadline.

The purpose here is to reiterate just how much value they’re getting.

Here’s an example from the free webinar template:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’ caption='(Get the full webinar template here…)’]

Ideally, the recap appears on a single slide with your guarantee, email/phone, and the order link.

Sometimes it can be tricky to fit it all onto one slide, so you may have to play with your design a little bit.

Here are some examples of recap slides:

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’]

When the recap slide is shown on the screen, you simply walk the audience through the key highlights of your offer, one bullet at a time.

I recommend keeping this recap slide on the screen for the rest of the webinar.

So while you answer questions or explain the offer again, this slide is front and center.

The goal here is to keep the attention focused on the offer so your audience can make a decision.

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

The recap is your way of saying, “In case you forget, here’s all the amazing stuff you get.” It puts a healthy pressure on the audience to make a decision.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’12’ title=’Ingredient #12:’ subtitle=’Call To Action’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’ icon=’’ icon-circle=’yes’ icon-circle-color=’#fff’ icon-border-color=’#2976C9′ icon-border-width=’5′]

Do you truly believe in your offer and your ability to help others?

Because if you do, you have a responsibility to share your knowledge with those who need help.

I always find it shocking when I see coaches get all stiff and awkward when it comes to asking for the sale.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Listen! (This is important…)‘ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]


You have a natural gift that must be shared with the world. You can truly help others achieve greatness within their own lives.

Now you just need to let that show!

Be confident. Be honest. Be you.

That’s it!

But you first have to believe that you can change the world. You can. And you will.

So at this point in your webinar, you want to ask for their commitment.

You want them to understand that if they do nothing, they can expect nothing to change, right?

I mean… if your audience doesn’t take action, they won’t…

  • Get the dream job
  • Lose the weight
  • Conquer stress

…and so on.

You want your audience to understand that inaction will have negative consequences.

Here’s an example of what you might say, pulled from the webinar template

[IMG imgclass=’shadow-border’ img=’’  caption='(Download the free webinar template…)’]

The “If not now… when?” statement is super powerful.

This simple question gets your audience to commit to a decision now.

Because here’s the thing…

When we’re afraid we have two options:

  1. Do nothing.
  2. Do something.

By default, most people think that no decision is the “safest” thing to do.

The typical thinking pattern is: “If I do nothing, I can’t get hurt.”

And that is the fundamental problem with fear.

Fear can lead to either action or inaction. That’s why this final call to action is so important.

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’right’ quote=’Your job is to convince your audience that doing nothing is worse than taking action.’ padding-right=’32%’ padding-left=’10%’ width=’68’]

[BOX bg_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color_out=’#DFE4E6′ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=‘#333′]Let me put it this way…

A venomous snake is chasing you and you’re absolutely terrified.

So what do you do: stand still or run?

Standing still doesn’t keep you safe, right?

You’ve gotta run to safety!

So when it comes to making a decision about your offer, you need to make it clear that no action means no growth.

There are real consequences to inaction.

And if they still choose to do nothing, they’ll feel left out when they see others excelling.[/BOX]

After you wrap up this “If not now, when?” part…

…you need to do a final reminder that the offer is only good for a limited time and mention the order link again.

This is the final ingredient to your webinar that directly leads to the sale, so don’t be shy here. Be confident.

Blaze a trail!

[BOX bg_color=’#2e2e2e’ border_color_out=’#fff’ border_color_in=’#fff’ color=’#f0f0f0′]Quick Summary:

This is when you ask for action. Be strong, confident, and to the point. And explain the real consequences to inaction.[/BOX]

[CHAPTER id=’13’ title=’The Ultimate Webinar Formula’ img=’’ height=’350′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’ textsize=’60’]

You’ve made it through the 12 key ingredients for creating jaw-dropping webinars!

Here’s a quick recap of the 12 key ingredients to the ultimate webinar:

  1. Title & Introduction. Grab their attention and encourage them to stick around.
  2. Audience Empathy & List Pain Points. Connect with your audience by highlighting the pain points.
  3. Highlight Unexpected Real Problem. Surprise your audience by showing them their REAL problem.
  4. Your Personal Introduction.  Introduce yourself and establish your credibility.
  5. Your Story. Share your breakthrough story and how you discovered your solution.
  6. Core Content. Establish your expertise and paint a picture of success for your audience.
  7. Overcome Objections. Ease their suspicions by directly addressing their objections.
  8. Introduce Your Product. Pull back the curtain on your product and highlight how awesome it is.
  9. Price & Personal Guarantee. Show off your AMAZING offer and guarantee their happiness.
  10. Bonuses. Boost value by stacking relevant bonuses on top of the product.
  11. Recap of Benefits. Increase urgency by reminding your audience about the offer, bonuses, and deadline.
  12. Call To Action. Close the sale!

[QUOTE bg_color=’#282828′ align=’left’ quote=’Want the Complete Fill-in-the-Blank Webinar Template?’ padding-right=’10%’ padding-left=’32%’ width=’68’]

Now I want you to have my Fill-in-the-Blank Webinar Template… absolutely free.

This is the same template we use in-house for all of our high-converting webinars that has generated over $245,540.74 in sales and counting.

I know that webinars can feel intimidating. But with this template, you’ll be able to create your own webinar script in minutes… without writing from scratch.

Download this free fill-in-the-blank webinar template

(Want the full webinar template? Click here…)
[CTA title=’SWIPE MY $245,540.74 WEBINAR TEMPLATE’ subtitle=’Use this fill-in-the-blank webinar template and never create a webinar from scratch again…’ url=’’ buttontext=’DOWNLOAD NOW’ img=’//’ height=’539′ transparency=’0.4′ backgroundcolor=’#333′ textcolor=’#fff’]

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