PLR Articles

How to Choose PLR Content

Have you been wanting to use PLR content, but aren’t sure if it’s worth it? Believe me, I’ve been burned by bad PLR before. One was only $1 to try… but it was so badly written, I had to toss it out. Another was a set of video tutorials. Turned out the speaker had an […]

The "Duplicate Content Penalty" Myth

One of the most common questions I get about PLR goes something like this: “If hundreds of thousands of people do this won’t there be duplicate stuff online daily? I thought Google didn’t like duplicate content?” Or something like this: “I have heard that Google will close your account if they see you using the […]

How to Build an Online Business Empire

Many of you may not know this, but in certain media circles, I’m actually known as “Ronnie Nijmeh the Stress Expert.” I’m sort of a subject matter expert here, having actually written books on stress, conflict, and healthy living, and running a self-improvement content site that grabs over 25k unique visitors organically each month (as […]

How to Choose Quality PLR

It’s a harsh reality that not all PLR is equal. There’s content from a wide variety of sources and it’s not always the most trustworthy (to put it lightly). What you can get from ‘free’ PLR sites is often unintelligible, riddled with errors, and would take hours to wade through the haystack to find one […]

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