
What your customers REALLY want...

[DROPCAPS text=’I get this question a lot…’ textsize=’60’] “If I use done-for-you licensed PLR content, will people know I’m not the author?” Short answer: Probably not. But that’s the wrong question to ask. You see… If you use licensed content right, no one will even care (or notice) you’re not the author. Your customers are […]

When baby raccoons attack...

[DROPCAPS text=’I hate raccoons.’ textsize=’55’] Yes, they look cute and cuddly… but I still hate ’em. Lemme ‘splain… This weekend the family visited my parents house. I was going to play soccer with my 5 year old nephew, so I went to grab a soccer ball from the deck storage box. *Cue ominous music* I […]

The Keys to the Publishing Kingdom: 3 Questions You Must Get Right

Got this question in my inbox today: Being pretty new to this, I have kind of a problem really distinguishing what makes content something to be considered quality content. How does quality content differ from that which is not? Is there anything that can be instantly identified in that content to better understand that what a good article or […]

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